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Big query with Google analytics 4

Mastering Big query with Google analytics 4

350 British pounds

Service Description

This training provides an in-depth understanding of using BigQuery with Google Analytics 4 (GA4). By the end of this course, you'll be able to integrate, query, and analyse your GA4 data using BigQuery, unlocking powerful insights and advanced analytics capabilities. Course Topics 1. Introduction to BigQuery - Overview: Understanding BigQuery and its role in data analysis. - Key Features: Benefits of using BigQuery for large-scale data analytics. 2. Setting Up BigQuery - Account Setup: Creating a Google Cloud account and setting up BigQuery. - Project Configuration: Configuring projects and permissions in Google Cloud. 3. Integrating GA4 with BigQuery - Linking GA4 to BigQuery: Step-by-step integration process. - Data Export: Setting up data export from GA4 to BigQuery. 4. BigQuery Basics - Understanding Datasets: Structure of datasets, tables, and views in BigQuery. - SQL Fundamentals: Introduction to SQL and its application in BigQuery. 5. Querying GA4 Data in BigQuery - Writing Basic Queries: Constructing simple SQL queries to retrieve GA4 data. - Filtering and Sorting: Using SQL to filter, sort, and aggregate data. 6. Advanced Query Techniques - Joining Tables: Combining data from multiple tables for comprehensive analysis. - Nested and Repeated Fields: Handling complex GA4 data structures in BigQuery. 7. Creating Custom Reports - Building Custom Reports: Using SQL to create tailored reports. - Data Visualisation: Exporting query results for visualisation in tools like Data Studio. 8. Optimising Queries for Performance** - Query Performance: Best practices for writing efficient SQL queries. - Cost Management: Understanding BigQuery pricing and managing query costs. This course equips you with the knowledge and skills to leverage BigQuery for advanced analysis of GA4 data. By mastering these techniques, you can unlock deeper insights and improve data-driven decision-making

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metaheuristic, Shelton Street, London, UK

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